Butterfly Light

Loop Light

Rembrandt Light

Side Light

Processed Raw
Unprocessed Raw
Unprocessed Jpeg
The processed jpeg isn't as clear as the processed raw. The size of the jpeg before processed is 1.25 MB.  The jpeg photo has higher highlights than the raw. The processed jpeg has more yellow in the grass. Finally, in the jpeg photo, the image is more bright.

Processed Raw
The raw photo is more clear. The size of the Raw photo before being processed is 10.3 MB. The highlights in the raw are not as bright as seen in the leaf on the grass. Finally, the grass is a bolder shade of green and the overall image is less bright.

Expansive, DOF, Full Sun, Symmetry
Shadow, Shade, Rule of Thirds

Inside, Blur, Diagonal Lines
Freeze Frame, Asymmetry, Light Background
Complimentary Photos, Dark background, Close-Up